Friday, July 3, 2009

I designed that!

Eco-Friendly Gift Bags - I love that other people are blogging about gift bags that I designed. I also love going to the stores and hanging out by my bags to see what people think. Something to think about next time your in a store talking about a product... the designer could be standing next to you... you never know.

Who's going where what?

I haven't blogged since march 1st! Yes, I haven't done much since then but work work work. Spring is the gift packaging busy season, or should I say Targets busy season. Target is our largest gift packaging client and the most stressful one. QC is ridiculous but I guess they have the store synergy to prove it. Well, now that that's coming to a conclusion I get to start all over for 2011, but for now I will try to keep blogging and hopefully become more religious about it. Hopefully creating some new recipes, starting some hot debates and sharing my luscious life.

Tomorrow is the 4th. I'm heading to the beach and bbqing for about 20 people. I managed to do it all on the shoestring budget of 60 bucks. Seriously, 60 bucks... I love party/menu planning. I really do. There are so many things I love. I plan in living several lives.
On the menu (for only 60 bucks)
Grilled lemon thyme chicken
Grilled rosemary garlic london broil
(They have been marinating since yesterday. It is going to be very tasty. Pictures to come... it's just yucky raw meat right now.)
Panzanella salad
Green salad
AND Drunken bears!
(something I haven't made since umm college.)
I went for a simple clean menu with a little something for everyone. Some good protein and carbs for optimal drinking potential.

Wednesday Frankie and I are getting our hair done and Saturday is my birthday!

I promise to keep up and share pictures.

xoxo ~ Ladibug
Live the life you love!