Sunday, March 14, 2010

Beef Tenderloin

Yes, it is giant picture of raw meat! I'm proud of my giant piece of meat. hehe I bought it the other day and thought gee I hope it's going to be enough... well I pulled it out of its packaging today and realized that well, It was huge! I stared at my beautiful eight pound hunk of meat for a good 10 minutes thinking, ok, the silver skin needs to come off, but how and why is it in between two of the muscles. Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into. At least it was on sale for $6/pound. If I screw it up It will only be 40 dollar unlike the retail price of probably $15-20/pound... right?! The dog got wind of the beefy flavor and was going crazy so I decided I better get started before he gnaws my leg off. I am no butcher but I worked at it carefully trying not to tear too much of the tender meat... 20 min later... voila! Not bad for the 1st attempt. Four fillets, a few scraps for the ravenous pup and a beautiful roast for dinner tonight. One battle has been won. Now, I just have to cook it correctly!

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